
If you have landed on this page, most likely you are looking for some support.

Life can be complicated and confusing, making it hard to get the clarity you need to create what you most want. Distractions, competing responsibilities, and old internal conflicts stand in your way. They stop you from pursuing your dreams. Of finding peace and well-being. Of allowing healthy relationships. Of appreciating your body.

What may be in your way is energetic clutter and it’s understandable that it would keep you feeling stuck. But you don’t have to stay in this place of “stuckness”. As a life coach and EFT practitioner, I know how to help you shift and soothe these cluttered places.

Want to find out if this is right for you? I never charge for an introductory coaching/EFT session. It’s a great opportunity to discover how I work. Contact me today to set up an appointment.

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No matter how overwhelmed your life seems, a part of you knows what you need to flourish. I can help you reconnect and realign with that inner knowing. From this place of alignment, you can find some freedom from the obstacles that have been standing your way. This is true even if (click each link to learn more!):

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I have coached hundreds of clients through these and other types of issues. I focus on methods—such as EFT—that help you feel a bit lighter and brighter right away, so you don’t have to wait until you’ve achieved your end goal before you enjoy the benefits. We all want more ease and grace in life; I’m here to show you how to connect more fully with your aligned self…that part of you that can navigate the external world and the complicated internal world of the Self.

But wait, do you have some especially nasty obstacles in your way? Are you thinking, “I’ll never get over this, I’ve tried and nothing has worked!” Well, I’ve got a few tricks up my sleeve that will open you up to new possibilities. I’m not like every other life coach – read my bio to learn about how I am different, or read up on my coaching style.

I invite you to explore my site… there is lots of good stuff here! My Color Alignment Meditations are a great way to soothe yourself. Need just a little humor in your life? Take a look at my blog–really, I keep hearing from my readers how much fun it is. Oh, and you definitely want to know what’s coming up in the future! Sign up at the top right of this page for that. Remember, if you ever decide you don’t want to hear from me anymore, you can easily unsubscribe. If you need more support, give me a call or send me an email and let’s have a chat.

My first session is always complimentary!!!

Podcasts and Videos

4 New Podcasts HereTap along with Lynne and Jackie as they explore Jackie’s relationship to food and her body.

(View EFT Tapping Points)

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